Town of Newbury
Board of Fire Engineers Meeting March 16, 2015
(The following minutes were voted and accepted at the April 21, 2015 meeting)
The monthly meeting of the Town of Newbury Board of Fire Engineers was called to order by Chief Nathan Walker at 19:06 hours at the Newbury Station with the following members present: Nathan Walker, Wallace Ziehler, Douglas Janvrin, Jr., Douglas Packer, Terrence Martin and Justin Webb.
Motion made by Wallace Ziehler and 2nd by Justin Webb to accept the minutes from February 17, 2015 as read with one correction. Motion passed unanimously.
Note was made of a thank you letter from the recent fire on Plum Island.
The Wildlife Refuge has requested a fire plan for the Refuge. Chief Walker will investigate area towns and will speak with Andy Reagan. Wildfire training was also discussed.
Budget - Chief Walker explained the budget as discussed with T.A. Blais. The Ambulance Enterprise Account was also discussed.
Training - Gear/SCBA training will be on Monday night at the Byfield Station at 7:00 pm. New training ideas were discussed by Chief Walker. Possibility of mobile home for training. Captain Martin to investigate.
Ambulance operations and the recent issue with insurance was discussed.
The lease agreements were discussed. Deputy Janvrin states that the Companies combined will be hiring an attorney.
Captain Martin requests a pump and an ambulance respond to all calls on Route 95. Chief Walker will address with State and Newbury Police.
The upcoming dispatch protocols were discussed. A book of protocols is in development.
Deputy Ziehler requests that the Chief's job description be brought before the Board of Fire Engineers for approval.
A personnel issue during a recent call in Byfield was discussed. Deputy Janvrin will address the issue.
Chief Walker attended his first ECFCA meeting. The Chief gave several updates as a
result of the meeting.
It was noted that the calling hours for Bill Page will be on Friday. A delegation from the
Fire Department will attend.
Motion made by Nathan Walker and 2nd by Wallace Ziehler that the members of the Board of Fire Engineers are the only personnel authorized to sign payroll.
Motion passed unanimously.
Per the Town Accountant, all expenditures going forward must have the signatures of the majority of the Board. Bills will be brought to the Board of Fire Engineers meeting for signatures from now on.
The Byfield red phone is still forwarded to the 911 PSAP. Newbury's red phone was also discussed.
Deputy Janvrin will test the combined tone alert this week.
It was noted that there is a vote pending in the Protection 2 Company regarding the combined facility.
Chief Walker noted that Sandy McDonald was a help with the broken fire alarm wire and fire alarm training at the Protection 2 Station.
A recent oil spill call was discussed along with the protocol for this type of incident.
Deputy Janvrin requested that the Fire Department resume fire protection programs in the Elementary School, such as the fire safety trailer.
Air bottles testing was discussed.
The plans for the proposed stadium at Triton were reviewed and discussed. Douglas Packer will investigate questions brought forth by the Board and report back for further discussion.
Motion made by Douglas Janvrin, Jr. and 2nd by Justin Webb to adjourn at 10:16 hours. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Douglas Janvrin, Jr. Clerk
Board of Fire Engineers